Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The slacker is back!

OK, enough people have asked me lately when I was going to post, so here I am! I am beginning to realize that just about the only thing we do in Gordon anymore is sleep and attend church! Otherwise, I am in my car burning fuel at a lovely $3.99 per gallon on average! The family is having a busy but great school year! Tanner has been playing elementary football for Tattnall and is just precious (his interpretation: cool) and he and Baylor both continue with Taekwando twice a week. Baylor is very much in to boys, and blue eyeshadow...quite scary. I have to keep reminding her that school is also about learning! She is in K-5 this year at Tattnall and is loving every minute of it! Carson is growing larger by the day and may wind up on Tanner's football team before it is all over! He is solid and is afraid of nothing! Myra continues to do well, and we are seeing that she is going to be just as strong willed as a few other children we know! She had her first appointment with the cranio-facial team in Atlanta on Friday, and the news was good. She will get tubes in her ears and begin speech. No major surgery on the palate at this point. Some of you got to know Katherine and her family through the blog while we were in China, and she continues to be someone I cannot imagine living without! Myra and Carson spend 3 afternoons a week with Katherine while I am running the other two to all of their practices! We love you Katherine! Shawn and I are great, just maybe in need of a little more sleep!


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

new pics!

sweet sisters
do not attempt this at home...this was obviously only for a cute pic!
Ma (as Myra has begun calling me) and MJ!
Daddy and the little ones playing a game of "stick the sticker on the daddy!" His face was covered by the end!
Big smiles!

Finally a new post!

We are finally adding some new pictures since home! We are doing great, and Myra is adjusting quite well! We were only back a week from China, and we headed to the beach for a week! Some of the pictures added are from the beach, and others frome here at home. Myra loved the beach, and it was very exciting to see her face as she was experiencing it! We are enjoying the last bit of Summer before school starts. Trust me...there is never a dull moment around here!

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Scotts are home!

We are home and we have major jet lag!!!!! We have our CG home who we missed more than we could even imagine! Everything is going great here, and Myra is adjusting really well! We will be adding some more pictures this week. Thank you for all of your support and prayers!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Carson's Last Day in Madison

Penny asleep bw the couch cushions!
He just got done swimming & just had to play golf w. Jacob!
Wyatt just being....Wyatt!
His new hat!!
Carson "learning" that crazy game at Cracker Barrel
Trying out the rocking chairs
Just being silly!
Little man!
I can't believe tomorrow is the big day! It has literally flown by! We are going to miss having him around SO much but I'm so excited that he gets to be with y'all again. He really has been better than we could have ever hoped for. He hasn't had any fits or acted out in any way. We get compliments every where we go on well behaved he is! I can't wait to see Myra Jane & the rest of the family! Have a safe trip & you will be in our prayers!!!!

The Scotts are packing!

The Scotts are packing and we're going to bed early! Our wake-up call is at 4:30 in the morning! We will be heading to Tokyo for a very short layover, then to Atlanta!!!! Can you believe that Tanner and Baylor have both cried today because they say they are going to miss China! They have both become very attached to our guide, Connie, who has been absolutely wonderful to all of us! We have barely had to think on this trip! I included a picture of her and MJ. Tanner's solution to it all is to move everyone in China to America (minus Mrs. Connie of course) and move everyone in America to China! Haha! I told him that would mean that we would have to buy all of our food from the 7eleven because we wouldn't have Publix! Think Publix would have to come as well!

We really must brag on our kids...they have done so well! And they have stayed so well health wise! What answered prayer!!! We are so excited to bring Myra home! And Shawn and I are going to be tripping over oneanother to see who gets to Carson first!

See you soon!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Some very special babies!

Every group from our agency traveling at the same time has a very special picture taken at the end of the trip at the White Swan red couch and waterfall! I remember months ago looking at pictures of other adoptive families doing this, and it seemed so far away! And here we are! It was an awesome moment!